Social Justice Matters is a podcast from Social Justice Ireland. We are an independent justice advocacy think tank that advances the lives of people and communities through providing independent social analysis and effective policy development to create a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole.
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
In this episode of our Seminar Series, we give you a chance to listen on the go to a presentation by Professor Charles Clark of St John's University in New York from our 2020 Global Justice Day Conference.
Professor Clark's presentation focuses on the concept of GDP: it's history, it's limitations, and how it relates to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
A full video of this presentation is available at
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
14. SJI Ten Minute Lessons Ep5: Cost Rental, an introduction
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
With one in seven of us living in private rented accommodation, and market rents reaching unaffordable levels for many, it's time to take a look at a different approach to renting.
In the 5th episode in the SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series, Colette Bennett, Research and Policy Analyst, explains the key points and concepts behind Cost Rental including the what, the why, and how Ireland might learn from other countries who have successfully implemented this model.
The purpose of our SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series is to educate and inform listeners on a particular area of policy, giving a brief overview and hitting on the key points that people need to know. They are intended to be short introductory tutorials to complex policy areas!
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Episode 5 of our Seminars Series features Christine Bohan, deputy editor of The Journal.
Christine discusses what those negotiating the next Programme for Government - whoever they happen to be! - can learn from newsrooms, including how to measure what’s important; why it’s important to have a good team around you; and how to measure what success looks like.
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
12. SJI Interviews Ep4: Sinead Mercier on a Just Transition
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
There has been an increasing awareness of the need for Ireland to take decisive action to improve its environmental performance and meet its climate-related targets.
Social Justice Ireland has long been emphasising the need to carry out the necessary changes in a just fashion. This concept has come to be known as “Just Transition”.
In this podcast, Eamon Murphy sits down with Sinéad Mercier, Advisor to the Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action, to discuss the concept of a Just Transition, including what it is; what its implications are for Ireland; what can we learn from international examples, including in Germany and Australia; and the benefits of allowing communities to lead in relation to climate action.
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
11. SJI Ten Minute Lessons Ep4: Tax Expenditures, an introduction
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Tax Expenditures are useful policy tools for government, but have a significant cost attached to them.
In the fourth episode in the SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series, Social Justice Ireland's Economic & Social Analyst Eamon Murphy explains the key points and concepts behind Tax Expenditures, including the what, the why, the costs and effects, and the problems associated with them.
The purpose of our SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series is to educate and inform listeners on a particular area of policy, giving a brief overview and hitting on the key points that people need to know. They are intended to be short introductory tutorials to complex policy areas!
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
10. SJI Interviews Ep3: The Politics of Pensions, with Michelle Maher
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
For years, Social Justice Ireland has been asking government to reduce the tax reliefs for private pension savings, and use the money saved to bolster the State Pension. Despite the huge cost of these tax reliefs and their very unequal nature, the trend in policy over that time has actually been towards greater emphasis on the private pension industry.
What’s influencing these policy decisions? For example, why are we moving towards a system where the pensions industry will receive hundreds of millions in additional subsidies, while the nature of this support is never up for discussion?
Eamon Murphy sat down with Dr. Michelle Maher of Maynooth University to find out. They discussed the politics of pensions, and how it has been possible for a group of people with a particular combination of expertise and access to help shape Ireland’s pension system. The discussion has serious implications for the broader policymaking process.
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
9. SJI Seminars Ep4: Tony Fahey, UCD, on Generation Rent
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
In this episode, we look back to our 2018 Social Policy Conference, and a presentation by Tony Fahey, Professor Emeritus of Social Policy at UCD.
Worse off than their parents? The rising generation of private renters looks at the boom in private rented housing and the corresponding decline in home ownership. Tony also explains why this presents a major problem for Irish society, particularly for young people.
A full video of this presentation is available at
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
8. SJI Ten Minute Lessons Ep3: Refundable Tax Credits, an introduction
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Refundable Tax Credits could help alleviate the situation of the working poor and make the Irish tax system fairer. But what are they and how would they work?
In the third episode in the SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series, Social Justice Ireland's Economic & Social Analyst Eamon Murphy explains the key points and concepts behind Refundable Tax Credits, including the what, the why, and the potential effects.
The purpose of our SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series is to educate and inform listeners on a particular area of policy, giving a brief overview and hitting on the key points that people need to know. They are intended to be short introductory tutorials to complex policy areas!
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
7. SJI Interviews Ep2: Roddy Doyle, Fighting Words
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Listen to Roddy Doyle, one of Ireland's greatest living authors, in conversation with Mick Clifford of the Irish Examiner at our recent 2019 Social Policy Conference.
Roddy discusses Fighting Words, the organisation he created to help children and young people to discover and harness the power of their own imaginations and creative writing skills. He also gives his opinions on education policy (including his desire that the Leaving Certificate be scrapped and something else be built from scratch in its place), and many other areas.
Roddy has produced some of the greatest works of Irish fiction of the last three decades, including the Barrytown Trilogy, The Woman Who Walked Into Doors, and Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, for which he won the Booker Prize in 1993.
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
6. SJI Seminars Ep3: Colette Bennett reviews the Government's Housing Strategy
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Colette Bennett, Research and Policy Officer at Social Justice Ireland, reviews the Government's Housing Strategy at the Social Justice Ireland Social Policy Conference 2019.
Rebuilding Ireland is a five pillar strategy designed to solve the housing crisis. Colette's paper - A Review of Government's Housing Strategy from the perspective of Young and Old - on which this presentation is based shows how each of these five pillars is failing.
The conference was titled The Challenges of Success, and examined possible policy responses to Ireland's changing demographics. Colette's presentation - the slides, the full paper and a video of the presentation - are available from our website