Social Justice Matters is a podcast from Social Justice Ireland. We are an independent justice advocacy think tank that advances the lives of people and communities through providing independent social analysis and effective policy development to create a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole.
Thursday May 14, 2020
25. SJI Seminars Ep8: President Michael D. Higgins on the Discourse That We Need
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
In episode 8 of our SJI Seminar Series we take a look back to our 30th Annual Social Policy Conference and to the Keynote Address by President Michael D. Higgins. In this address, President Higgins reflects on the relative positions of the economy and society, and the shape of political discourse.
This is an important and relevant address now in the context of finding our way through the current crisis to a just society. It is also important in the context of ongoing discussions on the formation of a new Government and the formulation of a Programme for Government which will shape the policy decisions affecting all of us over the coming term.
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
More than 120,000 people were working for the minimum wage at the end of 2019. Is this enough to live a decent standard of living in Ireland? And if not, what is?
In the 6th episode in the SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series, Eamon Murphy analyses the key findings of the CSO's most recent report on minimum wage employment in Ireland, and explains the main differences between the National Minimum Wage and the Living Wage.
The purpose of our SJI's Ten Minute Lessons series is to educate and inform listeners on a particular area of policy, giving a brief overview and hitting on the key points that people need to know. They are intended to be short introductory tutorials to often-complex policy areas!
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
COVID-19 has seen the introduction of unprecedented restrictions on movement, with powers of detention bestowed on medical officers and Gardaí. There are also record numbers of people working from home with remote access to personal data that would otherwise only ever be accessed on work premises.
In Episode 11 of our Interview series, Colette Bennett, Research and Policy Analyst chats (remotely) to Doireann Ansbro and Liz Farries of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties on the emergency measures legislation, the data protection implications of the crisis and what this all means from a civil liberties perspective.
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
In Episode 10 of our Interview series, Eamon Murphy sits down with Maeve Bateman, Director of Financial Justice Ireland (formerly DDCI) to discuss some of the problems facing the developing world as a result of COVID-19.
The pandemic, and the resultant economic shock, can only serve to worsen an already unsustainable situation as regards the sovereign debt of many developing countries. Maeve outlines the scale of the issue, and the solutions required.
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
In Episode 9 of our Interview series, our Economic and Social Analyst Eamon Murphy sits down with Social Justice Ireland CEO Dr. Seán Healy to analyse the draft document published by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael earlier this week.
Given that this document is likely to form the basis for the negotiation of a programme for government, what it contains and what it omits is very important. A full 15-page analysis of the document is available to download for free at, and in this episode Seán and Eamon cover some of the key issues, pointing out the positives, the causes for concern, the key omissions, and how it all might be paid for.
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
20. SJI Interviews Ep8: Bernard Joyce, Director of the Irish Traveller Movement
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Today is International Traveller and Roma Day, and just over 3 years since the recognition of Travellers as a distinct ethnic group.
In episode 8 of our interview series, Colette Bennett, Research and Policy Analyst, chats (remotely) with Bernard Joyce, Director of the Irish Traveller Movement about discrimination, health, housing and employment. While there is a lot of work still to be done, there's reason to be optimistic too, as Bernard highlights how communities are working to keep each other safe.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
19. SJI Interviews Ep7: Housing and COVID-19 with Orla Hegarty
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
The impact of COVID-19, the coronavirus, has highlighted the weaknesses in both Ireland’s social and economic structures. One such area is housing, particularly for those in communal and cramped accommodation who cannot social distance, self-isolate or, in some cases, avail of adequate washing facilities.
In episode 7 of our interview series, Colette Bennett, Research and Policy Analyst, is joined (remotely) by Orla Hegarty, Architect and Lecturer in the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy in UCD to discuss housing policy in a time of crisis and how the pandemic might shape the debate on housing into the future.
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
18. SJI Interviews Ep6: The economic response to COVID-19, with Tom McDonnell, NERI
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
To say the least, we are living in strange and unprecedented times. The coronavirus pandemic is arguably the greatest crisis the world has faced in living memory. It has implications for several areas of social policy, not the least of which is the economy.
In Episode 6 of our Interview series, SJI's Economic Analyst Eamon Murphy chats with Dr. Tom McDonnell, co-Director of the Nevin Economic Research Institute, to discuss the Irish government’s response to COVID-19, what else might be needed to ensure a robust recovery when this pandemic subsides, and the lessons to be learned from this crisis.
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
It’s a worrying time out there at the moment, particularly for those who are vulnerable, immunosuppressed and older people. One organisation that is providing crucial support to older people is the charity ALONE.
ALONE is a member organisation of the National Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Subgroup for Vulnerable People and is working in collaboration with the Department of Health and the HSE on a coordinated national response to support older people who have concerns, may be at risk or who have contracted the coronavirus, COVID-19.
One of these critical supports is the operation of a national support line to complement the clinical advice and information being provided by the HSE through its website and helpline service. The ALONE support line is available seven days a week, 8am to 8pm on 0818 222 024 where professional staff will be available to answer questions in relation to the coronavirus, give advice and, where necessary, reassurance.
In this podcast, the seventh in our Seminar Series, we will be revisiting our Annual Social Policy Conference from November 2019, and hearing from Seán Moynihan, CEO of ALONE, on revolutionising ageing at home together and the wonderful supports available from ALONE services.
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
16. SJI Interviews Ep5: What Women Want, with Catherine Lane, NWCI
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
March 8th is International Women's Day. In the latest episode of our podcast, Social Justice Matters, Eamon Murphy sits down with Catherine Lane, Policy Offer with the National Women's Council of Ireland, to discuss the formation of a Programme for Government, progress towards SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and policy priorities to achieve greater gender equality.