Social Justice Matters is a podcast from Social Justice Ireland. We are an independent justice advocacy think tank that advances the lives of people and communities through providing independent social analysis and effective policy development to create a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
19. SJI Interviews Ep7: Housing and COVID-19 with Orla Hegarty
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
The impact of COVID-19, the coronavirus, has highlighted the weaknesses in both Ireland’s social and economic structures. One such area is housing, particularly for those in communal and cramped accommodation who cannot social distance, self-isolate or, in some cases, avail of adequate washing facilities.
In episode 7 of our interview series, Colette Bennett, Research and Policy Analyst, is joined (remotely) by Orla Hegarty, Architect and Lecturer in the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy in UCD to discuss housing policy in a time of crisis and how the pandemic might shape the debate on housing into the future.