Social Justice Matters is a podcast from Social Justice Ireland. We are an independent justice advocacy think tank that advances the lives of people and communities through providing independent social analysis and effective policy development to create a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole.
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
40. SJI Interviews Ep22: Dr. Carol Baumann on Domestic Abuse
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
An estimated 1 in 5 women in Ireland will experience domestic abuse over the course of their life. Ireland ratified the Istanbul Convention, yet fails to provide the political oversight or economic investment needed to underpin our commitments.
In this episode of Social Justice Matters, Colette Bennett speaks with Dr. Carol Baumann, Head of Domestic Abuse with Cope Galway, about the experiences of women in domestic abuse situations; the supports available; and the investment necessary in Budget 2021 to protect women and children.