Social Justice Matters is a podcast from Social Justice Ireland. We are an independent justice advocacy think tank that advances the lives of people and communities through providing independent social analysis and effective policy development to create a sustainable future for every member of society and for societies as a whole.

Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Our 2023 Annual Social Policy Conference was on the theme of 'A Just Transition'. The fundamental principle of a Just Transition is to leave no people, communities, economic sectors or regions behind as we transition to a low carbon future. Such a transition means changing how we travel, communicate, work, what we eat, wear and even the entertainment we consume.
Dr Shane Colclough DipEE, BSc(Eng), MIE, MBA, PhD, MIEI, C.Eng, EurIng is a Chartered Engineer and carries out research at The School of Architecture Planning and Environmental Policy at University College Dublin and at the Centre for sustainable technologies in Ulster University. He is also principal at the consultancy firm Energy Expertise Limited. His research area of interest for the past 10 years has focused on low-energy dwellings in Temperate Maritime Climates and Building Performance Evaluation. He believes passionately in the potential afforded by the low-energy building standards in providing a better standard of housing for our citizens, simultaneously reducing Ireland’s dependence on fossil fuels and eliminating fuel poverty. He is co-chairman of the Passive House Association of Ireland and has authored papers on the topic of passive houses & energy storage in addition to presenting at national and international conferences. He is an experienced consultant and serves in the EU as an Expert on Energy-Efficient Buildings.
Shane presented his paper at our 2023 Annual Social Policy Conference.
All videos, papers and presentations for the 2023 Annual Social Policy conference are available for download HERE.
We are delighted that Social Justice Matters has been recognised by Feedspot as one of the 35 social justice podcasts you should be following in 2025. Check out the list here.